Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage and confidence in the doing...
As a martial artist, each time you step into one of our classes, you are building confidence. Just bowing and stepping into the dojo takes courage and every time you do it, you get stronger. Every time you push yourself to train, you are building confidence and a stronger you-on the inside...
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kids confidence
A Message to Our Kids: You Can STOMP Out Bullying™!
You Can STOMP Out Bullying™! REPORT It!
Don't be afraid to tell an adult. Telling isn't tattling! You are helping someone.
Who should you tell?
You could tell your parents, teacher, school counselor, school nurse, coach or any adult you trust. Be sure to tell exactly what happened ... who was bullied, who the bully was, where and when it happened. Even if you sus...
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