“Three years ago, our daughter was a shy 6 year old looking for a new fun activity. Little did we know that martial arts would soon be way more than a fun activity, it would become a way of life. Today, with the great patience and expertise of Sensei Chris and Sensei Stefan, she is a confident and talented kicking machine. Thanks to constant support of the Senseis, we have seen so much growth in her abilities and attitude. Her pride has bubbled to the top as she moved through the belts and all of the skills that came with each round of testing. Not only has her martial arts training taught her control and self-defense, it has also taught her about the type of person she wants to be. Every class the Senseis take time to talk to the kids about their strengths and what they should expect of themselves in life. I hear her reiterating these with great pride to her friends. As a parent, it is hard to put into words how thankful we are to have our daughter being led by such exception and talented people. We all look forward to seeing our daughter with that black belt tied around her waste and that huge smile on her face!”
~Andi B